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Autonomous School Committee (ASC)

The ASC is made of representatives of school faculty, parents, former students, the principal, a current CPS district administrator, former administrator and partners in education.  They are elected by their constituent groups and represent the entire Ridgeway school membership including students, family members of students (i.e. parents) and Ridgeway staff.

The Columbia Public Schools Board has designated Ridgeway Elementary as an autonomous school, as such the Ridgeway Autonomous School Committee (ASC) oversees many of the operations of the school. The school board has delegated authority to the ASC to make governance decisions regarding curriculum, financing, instructions and basic operations of the school.  Columbia Public School Board policy also encourages the ASC to make recommendations to the Board regarding all aspects of district operations that impact the autonomous school.

The ASC develops and supports the mission of Ridgeway Elementary School by providing guidance on the following:

  • Maintaining a dynamic structure multi-age learning model

  • Student recruitment and enrollment

  • Columbia Community Involvement

  • Budget and Financial Management 

  • Facilities and Transportation

  • Hiring recommendation and annual evaluation of the Ridgeway Elementary Principal

The ASC is made of representatives of school faculty, parents, former students, the principal, a current CPS district administrator, former administrator and partners in education.  They are elected by their constituent groups and represent the entire Ridgeway school membership including students, family members of students (i.e. parents) and Ridgeway staff.

ASC Bylaws

2024-2025 Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Agenda October 29, 2024

Minutes September 5, 2024


For previous year's minutes or more information about ACS, please contact the principal Taryn Brinlee ( or ASC president Joanne Boomer (