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School Supply List

Ridgeway Elementary Supply List 2024-2025 (downloadable PDF)

Ridgeway Elementary Supply List 2024-2025

All Ridgeway Students need:

● Headphones (over the ear and wired)

● Tennis shoes for PE

● Sturdy backpack, large enough to hold big picture books, no wheels please.



The backpack and headphones are the only items that need to be labeled. We share all other supplies among the class.

3 boxes of 24 count crayons 3 - 2 pocket plastic folders

1 box wide tip markers 4 regular glue sticks

2 liquid glue 2 Antibacterial or Disinfectant Wipes

Unit A Optional:

colored or white cardstock

zip-sealed bags, gallon, quart or sandwich

paper towels

fine tip colored dry erase markers

Hand sanitizer

Unit B

Labeled with child’s name:

2 dozen sharpened #2 yellow pencils

1 large eraser or several pencil top erasers

1 box 24 crayons

1 school box (no larger than 8” x 5 1/2” x 2 ½”)

1 pair scissors

*1 box Kleenex

*1 box colored pencils

*1 pack sticky notes

Last name A-L only                                                                   Last Name M-Z only

*WIDE tip markers                                                                    *THIN tip markers

*hand sanitizer                                                                          *1 box gallon size baggies

*1 pack glue sticks                                                                    *1 roll paper towels

*1 package wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper             *Antibacterial or Disinfectant Wipes

* To be collected, do not label with name.


School box/bag already packed (and everything labeled) with:

1 box markers or colored pencils (your choice)

1 large eraser

1 pair scissors

1 glue stick

1 highlighter (yellow please)

1 stylus (optional)

To be collected, do not label:

24 Sharpened pencils (prefer Ticonderoga)                                       *Optional

3 glue sticks                                                                                              *Hand sanitizer

6 folders (plastic please)                                                                         *Antibacterial or Disinfectant Wipes

1 package 0.7 lead mechanical pencils (last names A-P)                  *Kleenex

1 package 0.7 mechanical pencil lead refill (last names Q-Z)

Please label with your child’s name on the front cover:

1 spiral notebook